Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for April 26, 2018

  1. My boys
    woodworker318  almost 7 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds.

    Had about 1 inch of rain yesterday and last night.Will end early this morning and then some sunshine. Temp will be mid 50’s.

    Will be going to see the eye doctor for a 4 week checkup on my right eye. That shouldn’t take to long.Then to church to get communion, pick up the paper and then home.Can’t do anything outside as it will be too wet.I’ll find something to do, even if it is to take a nap.

    Hope you all have a good day. Peace

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  2. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  almost 7 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    Rita, if you think California drivers are bad, Nevadans are worse. The word I would use to describe them the most is selfish. They do whatever they want, regardless of safety or legality and usually right in front of another car. In the 6 years we lived in Nevada, I had more close calls on the road because of the unpredictability and idiocy of other drivers than I ever did in 34 years of driving in California. And now that we are in central Florida, we are finding that Florida drivers resemble Nevada drivers a lot more than they do Californians. A couple of days ago, I was waiting behind another car in the left turn lane of a major highway. The arrow was red for the turn, but that didn’t stop the guy in front of me just going ahead with his turn once there was no traffic coming from the other direction.

    I had planned to do laundry at the campground yesterday until I checked out the facility. They wanted $3 to wash and $3 to dry each load! And they were just regular sized washers, not large capacity. It would have cost me $24 to do all of my laundry. I found a laundromat and it cost me half of that.

    Today we are going back to Bushnell to register the RV. We still haven’t heard about the title for the car yet, but we both feel like we are treading water waiting so we’re going to DO something, even if it isn’t the last thing we’ll need to do.

    It’s been more than a week since Buddy has had an “accident”. He seems much calmer with the pheromone stuff being diffused into the rooms. He did make a break for outside yesterday morning. Twice. He didn’t get far before we caught him and brought him back inside.

    Everyone have a blessed day.

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  3. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  almost 7 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds

    FOOOOOOGGGGGGGGGY this morning, we’re supposed to have temps in the mid 50s with rain.

    The craziest drivers I know of can be found in Quebec, Canada. I come to this conclusion through what I’ve heard and having driven there myself.

    There was barely a car length between the truck and my car, the truck was in the other lane but still close, when a car went zooming past me and in front beside that BIG truck. I also heard a tail from a truck driver that happened on that same road. Happy motoring. :-)

    The roads are a lot quieter here, state roads are two lanes and the back roads are gravel. And then there are the roads less traveled, four wheel drive only or ATV.

    May you all have a lovely day with safe travels and God’s blessings.


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