Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for May 01, 2018

  1. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  almost 7 years ago

    Happy May Day Vagabonds

    I wonder how the parade was in Moscow.

    Our weather is looking up and warming up in the coming days.

    The Lilacs are beginning to leave out uncovering their buds, they’ll be open by Memorial Day.

    OK guys, catch you on the flip flop.


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  2. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  almost 7 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    Last night we watched a 2-hour PBS documentary on the White House. We picked it up at the Presidents museum we visited on Saturday. Most of it was fascinating and informative, but being PBS it had an extreme bias. About a quarter of it was about the Obamas, singing their praises for the wonderful things they did while in office. (It was produced in 2016.) No comment. For instance, did you know that when the White House residence building was repaired so extensively during Truman’s administration it was gutted completely inside. The only thing left of the original structure is the four walls. They put up a steel structure inside those four walls (like a skyscraper frame) to support the rebuilding of the interior. Truman gave a tour (with reporter Walter Cronkite) after the work was done and when asked said it would probably last another thousand years. (The renovations had taken place roughly 120 years after it was rebuilt in the 1820’s.)

    Today I am going for a haircut. I am getting downright shaggy. When I come home, I hope to give Pinto a haircut, too. His fur is over an inch long now and he’s beginning to feel the heat a bit too much.

    Everyone have a blessed day.

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  3. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  almost 7 years ago

    Good Cloudy May morning, Vagabonds,

    Beautiful morning! We’re still down with this flu/cold. We went down to town to pick up our mail and stopped in at Costco to get lots of fresh veggies. I’m hoping to feel up to making a stir fry tonight.

    I know how you feel, Jan. On our trip we watched a space program, and darned if they didn’t sing Obama and Clintons’ praises! We didn’t bother watching the whole thing.

    I love Spring. Our MacDonald Pass (6300’ elevation) got a whole bunch of snow yesterday…….about half is already melted!

    xoxo Happy Trails.

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  4. My boys
    woodworker318  almost 7 years ago

    Good afternoon Vagabonds.

    Was very sunny earlier but is now partly cloudy with temp in mid 50’s. Tomorrow and Thursday the temp is supposed to be in the lower 80’s. Looks like shorts weather.

    We went out to dinner last night to celebrate Barbara’s birthday. Very disappointed in the meal. We usually go to this place as they give you your meal for free on your birthday. We both had the sirloin steak as usual but it was not that good. Had a lot of fat and gristle. Much garbage left over. Had broccoli tips, It would have been nice if they had cooked them. They were luke warm and have as if they were raw. We sent them back to be redone but it didn’t improve them that much. At least we only had to pay for one meal.

    Going to the next to last night of the Life in the Spirit Seminar tonight. Hard to believe how fast it has gone.

    Hope you all have a good day. Peace

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