Pluggers by Rick McKee for April 10, 2018

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 7 years ago

    The eldest brother of my late mother celebrated his fiftieth wedding anniversary just this 14 February. Still kicking he is as well as his wife, eight children, and an unknown amount of grandchildren.

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    Farside99  almost 7 years ago

    Problem is, too many of those small-town newspapers have been bought up by the chains and gutted so you hardly hear any local news anymore.

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    brain Les  almost 7 years ago

    funny, but all of the pluggers that I know (and I am one) read the obits to see who isn’t anymore….

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    wirepunchr  almost 7 years ago

    We have a local paper but it’s printed about 50 miles away.

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    jppjr  almost 7 years ago

    One local paper would give a report…..a local business was broken into on Monday night….three suspects were caught…..when the son took over the paper, he’d name the business and the suspects…..apparently Pops didn’t want to name names….perhaps in fear of being sued….or not to “embarrass” said parties….town of around 900…

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