Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for December 02, 2010

  1. Anishnawbe
    Allan CB Premium Member over 14 years ago

    olmail - for me, it would have been Ms. Almyer who was a smokin’ hot 25 year old french teacher. LOL

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  2. 14
    Redhead55  over 14 years ago

    For me it would have been my 9th grade English teacher, Mr. Wall. I’d have made him taller. He was only about 5 ft tall and wore shoes with 2” lifts. Or maybe Mrs. Douse. I’d have made the whole class happy and zap her to an uncharted island somewhere - with a case of bubble gum. Oh how she hated bubble gum. LOL

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  3. Simpsonized
    CCMMJJ  over 14 years ago

    Adam must be doing something right if smuggling wands is the worst these children can think of.

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  4. Turkey2
    MisngNOLA  over 14 years ago

    Starting in 2nd grade, it would have been Ms Morton, then 6th grade Ms. Cyr, freshman year English teacher and tennis coach,Ms. Waguespack, sophomore year Ms. Sarrat, Ms. Cusimano, and French teacher Mlle Lancaster ooh la la!.

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