Skippy by Percy Crosby for November 23, 2018

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    CougarAllen  over 6 years ago

    I don’t understand this one at all. Anybody?

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    Kip W  over 6 years ago

    Crouch’d on the pavement close by Belgrave Square

    A tramp I saw, ill, moody, and tongue-tied;

    A babe was in her arms, and at her side

    A girl; their clothes were rags, their feet were bare.

    Some labouring men, whose work lay somewhere there,

    Pass’d opposite; she touch’d her girl, who hied

    Across, and begg’d and came back satisfied.

    The rich she had let pass with frozen stare.

    Thought I: Above her state this spirit towers;

    She will not ask of aliens, but of friends,

    Of sharers in a common human fate.

    She turns from that cold succour, which attends

    The unknown little from the unknowing great,

    And points us to a better time than ours.

    Matthew Arnold, “West London”

    (To me, the scene meant that the poor know better than to waste time asking the rich to give up a penny: They’d best spend the same amount of time begging from other poor people. It’s not an explanation of the comic, just something I was reminded of by it.)

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    agmcauley Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Confused me at first, too. When Skippy’s friend’s mother took a “nice” person with her to beg, half her “clients” gave their money to the nice person. If she’d taken someone not so nice, she would have got more of the money.

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