Such morbid thoughts! Perk up! (snicker)
Donna, take heed! It is time to confront your sagging boobs! (Does anyone remember that storyline in 9CWL? ^^)
doctortoon says:
My ex was a 38DDD and didn’t like to wear bras. I always told her when she was in her sixties she would have bruises on her knees.
Or trip. ;-)
Tetsuo: I love the ‘Hello Cthulhu’!!
November 06, 2015
Sisyphos about 16 years ago
Such morbid thoughts! Perk up! (snicker)
Tetsuo about 16 years ago
Donna, take heed! It is time to confront your sagging boobs! (Does anyone remember that storyline in 9CWL? ^^)
margueritem about 16 years ago
doctortoon says:
My ex was a 38DDD and didn’t like to wear bras. I always told her when she was in her sixties she would have bruises on her knees.
Or trip. ;-)
margueritem about 16 years ago
Tetsuo: I love the ‘Hello Cthulhu’!!