“The journey of a parsec begins with one angstrom…” One parsec = 3.086e-10^26 angstroms.
There are stories about people setting off fireworks on the floating roofs of gas service storage tanks.
“The journey of a parsec begins with a single angstrom…” – Olaft Collofon
One parsec = 3.086e-10^26 angstroms.
St. Pillsbury about 4 years ago
“The journey of a parsec begins with one angstrom…” One parsec = 3.086e-10^26 angstroms.
PoodleGroomer about 4 years ago
There are stories about people setting off fireworks on the floating roofs of gas service storage tanks.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 4 years ago
“The journey of a parsec begins with a single angstrom…” – Olaft Collofon
One parsec = 3.086e-10^26 angstroms.