I can hear Mr. Bill now. “Ohhh Nnnnoooooooooooooo!”
With an “in” prefix.
Hope they don’t find those “naughty pics” Dad talked you into making.
It’s ok. Everybody knows the masses attention span is: Stardom- to Oblivion in a click&-a blink.
Be sure to include some cat videos.
Wanna see a millenial’s head explode? Ask him/her “Why would I want to be famous on YouTube?”
September 06, 2014
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 7 years ago
I can hear Mr. Bill now. “Ohhh Nnnnoooooooooooooo!”
mikeyman almost 7 years ago
With an “in” prefix.
PO' DAWG almost 7 years ago
Hope they don’t find those “naughty pics” Dad talked you into making.
Needles2sayu~sewFunny almost 7 years ago
It’s ok. Everybody knows the masses attention span is: Stardom- to Oblivion in a click&-a blink.
Walrus Gumbo Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Be sure to include some cat videos.
wknehans almost 7 years ago
Wanna see a millenial’s head explode? Ask him/her “Why would I want to be famous on YouTube?”