Deep Dark Fears by Fran Krause for December 17, 2018

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    theincrediblebulk  about 6 years ago

    When you think about it Santa truly is a sick and twisted individual. He invites little children to come sit on his lap. gives them the gifts and candy they ask for and is constantly watching everything they do. He also breaks into countless homes while everyone is sleeping. If any other old man did this he’d be in prison.

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    katina.cooper  about 6 years ago

    I wonder how many pictures and videos Santa has of those children?

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 6 years ago

    Silly girl, he watches you 7/24/365. He might not watch you bathe or go to the bathroom. But everywhere else he has CHULA-VARUNA’s eyes on you and everyone. (Yes he hijacked a body part to a humanoid abomination that is “sleeping” under the deeps.) The Light Elves recommended not to do it. But they also answered it could be centuries before the stars are right for CHULA-VARUNA to “wake up” and may be free of his watery prison. Soooooo Kris Kringle has that over his head as he surveillance everyone on the planet all of the time. CHULA-VARUNA’s million eyes search for the evil already. So it is ideal for Santa to use. Between this and Santa’s war with the Santa Spiders takes up much of his time.

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    gamerdude8000  over 3 years ago

    Yeah I once said to one of the kids at my school that if Santa was real than he would be in jail.

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