Cheech and Chong have said “pot’s over” now that republicans like John Boehner are supporting it. There is money in marijuana, and the hypocrites are out to get theirs. Since Boehner got into dealing pot, Ryan fired the House chaplain Boehner nominated in 2011.
Wow! Who’da thought putting money in our own pockets would be better than putting money in the pockets of drug cartels?! I mean, besides those darned hippies who’ve been trying to legalize pot for years.
Templo S.U.D. over 6 years ago
moneywanna… dinero quiero… oh, good grief
Daniel Jacobson over 6 years ago
Moneywanna is clearly far more addictive than marijuana.
CeeJay over 6 years ago
Maybe old Boehner will stop crying so much,assuming he gives the product a try.
Herb L 1954 over 6 years ago
Little Jeffy Sessions will never come around.Too much money in his pockets from the alcohol lobby :(
Mr. Blawt over 6 years ago
Cheech and Chong have said “pot’s over” now that republicans like John Boehner are supporting it. There is money in marijuana, and the hypocrites are out to get theirs. Since Boehner got into dealing pot, Ryan fired the House chaplain Boehner nominated in 2011.
Daeder over 6 years ago
Wow! Who’da thought putting money in our own pockets would be better than putting money in the pockets of drug cartels?! I mean, besides those darned hippies who’ve been trying to legalize pot for years.