Daddy's Home by Tony Rubino and Gary Markstein for April 23, 2018

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 7 years ago

    It’s “Daddy’s Home”, not “Son’s home.”

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  2. Large tigresstree  copy enh1
    Tigressy  almost 7 years ago

    Alexa – off!

    Different strip on FB and twitter, and the question doesn’t fit. Yes, there neither.

    @Templo Excellent point. Let me rephrase that:

    Your place or theirs?

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  3. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Yours if you take charge. You could have gone in and turned it off and gold them to go play outside.

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  4. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    OK, color me confused….

    I looked at Facebook and Twitter, earlier, and didn’t see today’s comic or question…

    but I did see tomorrow’s.


    So when I saw Tigressy’s post….

    I went back just to see whether Tony had shown up and posted today’s after tomorrow’s….

    But no.


    So I have no idea where you found it, Tigressy…

    but I do think “Alexa OFF!” kinda fits…

    It’s Peter’s modern-parenting-style cop out way of getting the TV turned off.


    We wouldn’t want to actually challenge our delicate little offspring and risk damaging their growing psyches by exerting control over them….

    Or worse…. damaging our own fragile egos by losing the battle.


    There’s a lot not to like about the way I was raised….

    But I can tell you this…

    I did learn about the balance of power, for good and for ill, between parents and children….

    And if I’d  asked that kid, politely, of course, but with authority, to turn down the volume….

    it would go down, or it would be off.

    Without Alexa.

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  5. 10155273 624313380994797 1301453986 n
    Knightman Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Mine, mine mine!!! So Thrrruuuppp!!!

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  6. 5f3a242a feac 42cc b507 b6590d3039f7
    Plods with ...™  almost 7 years ago


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  7. 00712 whiteheron
    whiteheron  almost 7 years ago

    Wow! ThAT was a lot different than the way my Dad would have handled it. Tomorrow is his 94th birth anniversary. But he won’t be celebrating. The cemetery doesn’t allow parties.

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