Cats? They are on more than one planet in this system. Following Sheldrake’s hypothesis the morphology of cats exist all over even on high gravity gas giants you will find “cats” there too. Of course they won’t be made of the same stuff as our cats are, but the essential catness of them will show through even though they be living arabesques of Saturn or the metallic cats of Uranus who use a form of RADAR to track prey.
RWill over 6 years ago
Take me to your Lehrer.
PoodleGroomer over 6 years ago
Here’s a picture of a cat and 3 jars with glitter in them. Nobody will know the difference.
Casey Jones over 6 years ago
Good luck getting a picture of a cat! Soon as they know you have a camera, they’re off!
WCraft Premium Member over 6 years ago
He forgot to ask the question the right way: Where do you keep your nuclear wessels?
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
Cats? They are on more than one planet in this system. Following Sheldrake’s hypothesis the morphology of cats exist all over even on high gravity gas giants you will find “cats” there too. Of course they won’t be made of the same stuff as our cats are, but the essential catness of them will show through even though they be living arabesques of Saturn or the metallic cats of Uranus who use a form of RADAR to track prey.
Sisyphos over 6 years ago
Just snap the pic quick with your iPad there, Alien Guy!
(Who would not have guessed that Apple has franchises on Alien Guy’s home planet?)