Cleats by Bill Hinds for October 22, 2012
Mondo: Good game, girls. Abby: Hi guys. Didn't your match end a long time ago? Jack: We stayed to watch your game. Your Dad said he'd give us a ride home. Abby: I hope you're not in a hurry. Dad's going over the game with Coach Tippit and Coach Neely. When they're in that arms-folded, hand-on-chin position, that usually means they're going to take about--forever--to finish. Peri: When they switch to the hands-on-back position, that usually means they're down to about 5 minutes. Edith: I'll be in this hands-folded, head-on-bag position until they're ready to leave.
kaecispopX over 12 years ago
Of course Edith. That makes for a louder and more horrible scream.