Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for May 10, 2018

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 7 years ago

    well, at least Alice got the bag

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  2. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Dill in 30 years: “She turned me into a newt!”

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  3. Felixthecat
    Auntie Socialist  almost 7 years ago

    For some reason I have The Three Stooges theme in my head right now

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  4. Ugly poor
    Prey  almost 7 years ago

    Love panel 2

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  5. Cheese man
    pumaman  almost 7 years ago

    Run! It’s the beginning of Twitter!

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    Pedey1  almost 7 years ago

    Are you sure this is about kids?

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    Ed_Bickford creator almost 7 years ago

    LOL! Run-a-way!!!!!

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  8. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  almost 7 years ago

    “I tawt I taw a Tweety Bird!”

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  9. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    He rocks in the tree tops all day longHoppin’ and a-boppin’ and singing his songAll the little birdies on Jaybird StreetLove to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweetRockin’ robin, rock rockRockin’ robin’Blow rockin’ robin‘Cause we’re really gonna rock tonightEvery little swallow, every chick-a-deeEvery little bird in the tall oak treeThe wise old owl, the big black crowFlappin’ their wings singing go bird goRockin’ robin, rock rockRockin’ robin’Blow rockin’ robin‘Cause we’re really gonna rock tonightPretty little raven at the bird-band standTold them how to do the bob and it was grandThey started going steady and bless my soulHe out-bopped the buzzard and the orioleHe rocks in the tree tops all day longHoppin’ and a-boppin’ and singing his songAll the little birdies on Jaybird StreetLove to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweetRockin’ robin, rock rockRockin’ robin’Blow rockin’ robin‘Cause we’re really gonna rock tonightPretty little raven at the bird-band standTold them how to do the bob and it was grandThey started going steady and bless my soulHe out-bopped the buzzard and the orioleHe rocks in the tree tops all day longHoppin’ and a-boppin’ and singing his songAll the little birdies on Jaybird StreetLove to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweetRockin’ robin, rock rockRockin’ robin’Blow rockin’ robin‘Cause we’re really gonna rock tonight

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  10. Missing large
    amaryllis2 Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Got a dense, tall, prickly holly bush you don’t want to get too close to and there’s a mockingbird nest near the top in there and a California gnat-catcher’s a bit further down. I would never have known if I hadn’t seen that mocker somehow zip into an unbelievably small gap and disappear. I love this strip!

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  11. Sheet faced man color small
    erniejpdx  almost 7 years ago

    Does anyone else remember being that age and engaging in those four-year-old versions of reality games? The deeper I get into my second childhood, the clearer they become. How easy it was to reinforce each other’s fantasies and make the simplest encounters into grand adventures!

    I’d continue, but here comes the dreaded Uh-oh Baby. RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!

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  12. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 7 years ago

    Dill, Dill, Dill, my man! It did not eat Alice!

    At least, not yet


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