FoxTrot by Bill Amend for November 01, 1988

  1. Aoh14gice7dbc6hh2ua0g7j eexlyscli7iccopdseyh7w
    studentNikhilGupta  almost 5 years ago

    What about Enneacontagon

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  2. 6b01caae 3af8 4e5c b1d7 73cdb0c25740
    ButteryPopcorn  over 4 years ago

    How about a nonagon

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  3. 2
    AliensAbductedMyLeftShoe  almost 4 years ago

    How about rectangles like a normal person? when I eat turkey sandwiches I dip them in lemonade and everyone looks at me like I killed somebody or something… lemonade on turkey sandwiches is delicious you should try it

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