Facebook is evil. Don’t pay attention to anybody’s bed on Facebook. It’s probably not even their bed. They just copied something from the Web to try to make other people feel like crap. and then Photoshopped their cat or dog or kid onto the bogus image. #$%^& Facebook posers. Most of us have lumpy linens that won’t make up right. But I’m LMAO at your uber-genuine description of your duvet!
Did you know its better to not make your bed? It’s true. Bed bugs prosper more if your bed is made because they like the darkness of your sheets. However if you don’t make your bed then light has a chance to penetrate them causing less of them to flourish.
katina.cooper over 6 years ago
Maybe the ones on NSA-Facebook don’t want people to see the dirty sheets on their beds cause they haven’t washed them in a month.
Fiona D Premium Member over 6 years ago
Facebook is evil. Don’t pay attention to anybody’s bed on Facebook. It’s probably not even their bed. They just copied something from the Web to try to make other people feel like crap. and then Photoshopped their cat or dog or kid onto the bogus image. #$%^& Facebook posers. Most of us have lumpy linens that won’t make up right. But I’m LMAO at your uber-genuine description of your duvet!
LINK_O_NEAL over 6 years ago
Did you know its better to not make your bed? It’s true. Bed bugs prosper more if your bed is made because they like the darkness of your sheets. However if you don’t make your bed then light has a chance to penetrate them causing less of them to flourish.
Ed_Bickford creator over 6 years ago
I always think of that when taking pictures in my house…how messy it is. LOL!
Holilubillkori Premium Member over 6 years ago
Thank you for the information I normally just straighten up the bed and on Wednesdays I don’t make it at all
angie creator over 6 years ago
Same here. Totally.
tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 6 years ago
It’s like cleaning the house before you have company over. No one likes friends just dropping by to see how the house normally looks.