FoxTrot by Bill Amend for March 27, 1993
Paige: Jason, what was the point of all this? Jason: The point? Paige: You spend all day trying to get me to play stupid Dungeons and Dragons, I finally do and what do you do?- you kill all my characters in the first two seconds! Talk about your stupid, stupid, stupid games! What a waste of my time! And you said it would be fun! Jason: I just didn't say for whom...
Ima juicy snack about 4 years ago
o. NOICE plan Jason
Josequeen over 3 years ago
Whom is going to flip out for no reason when I say first?
RuinQueenofOblivion about 3 years ago
Ugh, Jason is the kind of DM that gives us respectable DMs a bad name. Matthew Mercer you are not Jason.
j_crane 8 months ago
The worst Game Masters always do this