FoxTrot by Bill Amend for May 22, 1993

  1. Me from rey    no dolphin
    Ye-absira  over 4 years ago

    Come on Paige, it’s one weekend

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  2. Quincy 0
    ᏕᕱuᏒԾภ Ϯ♅ꂅ ภꂅ꒝ᏒԾოᕱภ꒝ꂅᏒ✔️  almost 4 years ago

    Why is Peter grounded for watching 2 Rated R movies for 2 weeks, but Paige has probably watched more and she is more under age so why is She grounded for 2 days

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  3. Splatoon octoling
    MC and Splat2 Fan  over 3 years ago

    huh but the 8th commandment is “thou shall not steal” someone plz explain

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  4. Screenshot 2022 12 07 11.55.55
    lguanoman   almost 2 years ago

    She should’ve been grounded one weekend for every R rated movie she watched. "Paige, you’re grounded every weekend for the next 8.3 years.

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