FoxTrot by Bill Amend for July 29, 1993
Doctor: Whaddya say we take a look at those chompers? Jason: Is that the X-ray machine? Doctor: Um, why, yes it is. Jason: Is there a way you could just point it at my head and leave it on the whole time I'm here? Doctor: Why on earth would you want me to do that? Jason: I was just reading how a blast of x-rays gave blendo-man his superhuman powers. I've always wanted to shape-shift. Are you familiar with the exploits of blendo-man? Doctor: Are you familiar with the term "gross malpractice?" Jason: Think this can pump out 10 billion roentgen?
DoubleU over 4 years ago
Jason, you read too many comic books.
tHaT OnE tHEatRE GeEk over 1 year ago
How can Jason be so smart yet so dumb