dean: what the holy who-hey?! Dean: i've been officially asked to participate in a mock student government! heart: simmer down, patriot boy. I'm pretty sure just about every kid gets that letter. dean: can I have my moment?! I never get asked to anything!
asrialfeeple over 6 years ago
Give Dean his moment, Heart. You know him. This looks like it could be interesting.
VICTOR PROULX over 6 years ago
They teach them graft, and how to hid a bribe.
Moon57Shine over 6 years ago
You’re such a killjoy, Heart.
Airbender over 6 years ago
People always mock government!
LtPowers over 6 years ago
A mock student government? That doesn’t sound nearly as interesting as a student mock government.
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
What do you mean? Heart’s asked you to shut up before.