Andy’s not a terrible husband. He’s a lousy, lazy, inconsiderate, horrible husband!
Bert’s available now, Flo. Can’t be worse than Andy. Pretty yourself up and pay him a visit.
…..If that’s the case, Flo must be the life of the hen party! ;o}
Andy’s face.
Take that, Andy! XD
July 08, 2017
Templo S.U.D. over 6 years ago
Andy’s not a terrible husband. He’s a lousy, lazy, inconsiderate, horrible husband!
Huckleberry Hiroshima Premium Member over 6 years ago
Bert’s available now, Flo. Can’t be worse than Andy. Pretty yourself up and pay him a visit.
joefearsnothing over 6 years ago
…..If that’s the case, Flo must be the life of the hen party! ;o}
Number Three over 6 years ago
Andy’s face.
tad1 over 6 years ago
Take that, Andy! XD