Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for December 18, 2010
Rob says, "Lemme get this straight: Any children's TV character that happens to be red was created as part of a Soviet mind-control program?" Bucky says, "That's correct." Rob says, "Even Elmo, the cutest thing ever?" Satchel says, "No no no no no no no no no" Bucky says, "Real name: Ivan Elmonov. My best guess is that his accent is Uzbek." Bucky says, "In fact, the Tickle Me Elmo doll is based on an old Soviet gargalesis interrogation training mannequin." Rob says, "Ok. I'm out. bye." Satchel says, "Ok!"
sherlockkaboodle almost 4 years ago
i agree with bucky on this in the first panel
lrwells40 about 3 years ago
I always though Elmo was evil.