I taught at a community college for about 10 years. Many students would enroll so they could get financial aid (or grants) and then never attend any classes and would withdraw from the courses just before semester’s end. And yes, there were a lot of others who got aid and used it appropriately.
Templo S.U.D. over 6 years ago
As for going to university, you pay people to teach you.
derdave969 over 6 years ago
I taught at a community college for about 10 years. Many students would enroll so they could get financial aid (or grants) and then never attend any classes and would withdraw from the courses just before semester’s end. And yes, there were a lot of others who got aid and used it appropriately.
Plods with ...™ over 6 years ago
Love today’s side comment.
Just leave them alone and they’ll prove it for you.