Wizard of Id by Parker and Hart for December 21, 2010

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    BigChiefDesoto  about 14 years ago

    With a little luck you can hope it occurs! It sure beats another ice age!!!

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  2. Hillbilly1
    Hillbillyman  about 14 years ago

    Nice display there Wiz….did you get the Finks permission to use all that electricity?

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  3. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 14 years ago

    The power company will love you - unless they’re energy efficient.

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    rshive  about 14 years ago

    Are all those ornaments wasted on Bung? He’s not even sure he’s standing up.

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  5. Andy
    Sandfan  about 14 years ago

    The Wiz was ahead of his time. To see the logical progress of his genius, type ‘christmas lights - trans siberian orchestra’ into your search engine. Here’s one example:

    christmas lights

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    freeholder1  about 14 years ago

    Chief Desoto must have missed the memo. Global warming LEADS TO the next ice age for us.

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    freeholder1  about 14 years ago

    But, will, what happens when the magic runs out? the da_n stupid swordsmen win after all. (See L. Niven for references.)

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    corpcasselbury  about 14 years ago

    Evidently the Wizard’s last name is Griswold…

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  9. Carabao 1  751647
    whitecarabao  about 14 years ago

    Good for you, Wiz!

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  10. Small tower
    RadioTom  about 14 years ago

    Bad link. I believe you’re looking for


    Trans Siberian Orchestra - Wizards In Winter

    Here’s a different house, same song


    And from ‘Frisco


    There’s a bunch of others, but the top one is the one I saw when it was first posted. If you put Trans Siberian Orchestra Christmas Lights in the YouTube search box, you’ll get LOTS of light displays - and some to other songs besides Wizards, as well…

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  11. Small tower
    RadioTom  about 14 years ago

    Oh, a followup - the one from ‘Frisco has a nice left to right chronology - the manger, the donkey, the camel, the reindeer.

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  12. Bassethound abernathy
    boldyuma  about 14 years ago

    “ID”-ison electric is going to love the Wiz this year..

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  13. Missing large
    BigChiefDesoto  about 14 years ago

    freeholder1 said, about 7 hours ago

    “Chief Desoto must have missed the memo. Global warming LEADS TO the next ice age for us.”

    That’s a rather dumb statement! In ANY cyclical system, and the earth’s climate is CERTAINLY a cyclical system, ANYTHING that happened before ALWAYS leads to something opposite that happens after. It’s been going on this way for thousands of millions of years – LONG before man ever evolved!

    The earth’s climate had been warmer for LITERALLY several hundred million years before the climate turned colder in this string of ice ages that occurred a couple million years ago, just as man evolved. It is only natural that it will turn warmer again when this string of ice ages that we are more or less involved in (off and on – coming and going over a few million years) will finally completely end at some time in the future. ( It MAY be ending now, OR it MAY not – only a charlatan ( like Gore – one of the bigger charlatans we have ever been cursed with! ) would try to tell you that it WAS or WASN’T happening right now! )

    To assume that the climate will ALWAYS be, or SHOULD even be, the same is it is now forever is absolutely absurd!! It never has been, and it never will be!

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  14. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Holiday magic. I love it!

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    Keith Messamer  about 14 years ago

    freeholder1, stopping global warming will bring on the next ice age, as Niven, Pournelle, and Flynn predicted in Fallen Angels. There’s also a praise of styrofoam in the book.

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