It’s pretty unusual to have an allergy to gluten. Wheat, however, is one of the most common food allergies. The people who can’t eat gluten have celiac disease or Non-Celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). It creates auto-immune reactions, but it is not an allergy. An epi-pen won’t do a thing. (But really, it’s time to retire gluten as a punchline. Old, tired, and passé.)
Farside99 over 6 years ago
Humans??? This is just another attempt to act like cats.
Enter.Name.Here over 6 years ago
Will, you have been acting like a human since this strip began.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 6 years ago
As we humans are becoming more like dogs. Hummmm …………….
Plods with ...™ over 6 years ago
Turd is allergic to gluten too.
halvincobbes Premium Member over 6 years ago
It’s pretty unusual to have an allergy to gluten. Wheat, however, is one of the most common food allergies. The people who can’t eat gluten have celiac disease or Non-Celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). It creates auto-immune reactions, but it is not an allergy. An epi-pen won’t do a thing. (But really, it’s time to retire gluten as a punchline. Old, tired, and passé.)