Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for January 08, 2011
from the tip top secretive dossiers of S.P.E.A.R. subject: ms. amazement first appearance 6-22-09 aliases: Bridget brenidan. affiliations: daunvians (ancient celtic tribe) ex sidekick in irish fighting duo "lady luck and shamrock lass." known enemies: Scath, empress of death (arch_, mr. negato (sometime stalker) origin: Carved as a stone totem of an ancient celtic warmaiden, she was given life by the loosed soul of their fiercest warrior (ref:8-30-09) powers: Strength, durability, flight. wields "mace of persuasion." Weaknesses: sometimes doesn't act so much like a lady. drink of choice: Whiskey, but sometimes she'll shotgun a whole beer truck.
WoodEye about 14 years ago
What a woman! I wonder where she works out?
lewisbower about 14 years ago
I’ve seen that stone totem in the Celtic holy land and it’s hips are much bigger than Ms Amazement’s. The breasts are about equal, but hey, it’s only a fertility symbol, not a nurturing one. Scholars may ask why our super miss only drinks beer in the tavern.
PlaidWolf about 14 years ago
Ok, i’ll bite…..”why does our super miss only drink beer in the tavern.?”
freeholder1 about 14 years ago
I understand the Dannykayeians were the origin of song-and-dance men for generations.
freeholder1 about 14 years ago
Cause her slurping echoes if you drink it in a Cavern, plaid?