if you end texts with a period in 2018 ant man uses his shrink powers to shrink down very small and go inside your phone and makes it so your phone can only access images of cowboys on google.com as punishment for your crimes until you learn how to talk in a way that makes the rest of us not afraid you personally want the person youre texting to shrivel up into a raisin and get eaten by a pigeon or something
I wanna talk about the psychology of this strip, but I have only two quick takeaways: even given the art style OJ is one of the few cartoonists who draw people holding phones the way people actually hold phones, and we have more evidence that Nancy is probably a lefty.
spencerr over 6 years ago
if you end texts with a period in 2018 ant man uses his shrink powers to shrink down very small and go inside your phone and makes it so your phone can only access images of cowboys on google.com as punishment for your crimes until you learn how to talk in a way that makes the rest of us not afraid you personally want the person youre texting to shrivel up into a raisin and get eaten by a pigeon or something
Argythree over 6 years ago
@spencerr: So your post explains why you don’t use any punctuation…
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member over 6 years ago
I wanna talk about the psychology of this strip, but I have only two quick takeaways: even given the art style OJ is one of the few cartoonists who draw people holding phones the way people actually hold phones, and we have more evidence that Nancy is probably a lefty.
anjumahmed (NONPREMIUM MEMBER) over 6 years ago
‘replying to massive amounts of flagrant screwball tweets with words like “Tedious” followed by a period.’ – dril
WCraft Premium Member over 6 years ago
Always thought that too many texts and cartoon speech balloons ended with an explanation mark. Other than the SJW crowd, who shouts all the time?
Crandlemire over 6 years ago
Why is everyone in Nancyville so angry all the time?
Obi-Haiv over 6 years ago
The Fine. text message is the only thing in this strip that ends with punctuation.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 6 years ago
I laughed at Nancy today. But I always do that.
jetsers over 6 years ago
I love the comic, but man these comments. You are all wonderful.