Well it’s hard to get peanut butter out of the jar with wings ! But Jerry you should not reduce yourself to name calling. The creatures names are RJ and Verne…….No what I mean…Verne :-)
OK, so when Howard and Jerry came up to the “Qualities for Life” bench before being hatched, only “Brains” and “Chutzpah” were left. One guess who got what.
whataboytjiex2 over 6 years ago
Isn’t this character somehow related to the present occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave?
Breadboard over 6 years ago
Well it’s hard to get peanut butter out of the jar with wings ! But Jerry you should not reduce yourself to name calling. The creatures names are RJ and Verne…….No what I mean…Verne :-)
Casey Jones over 6 years ago
He’s named Jerry, his friend is Howard….. Do they know a Bob who stammers?
Perkycat over 6 years ago
We’ll see who the losers are when you can’t eat because your head is in a peanut butter jar.
dogday Premium Member over 6 years ago
OK, so when Howard and Jerry came up to the “Qualities for Life” bench before being hatched, only “Brains” and “Chutzpah” were left. One guess who got what.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
Owls are looked upon as wise because they look with two big forward facing eyes and always ask the question, “who?” Called bubo.
For Lilith, one of the night creatures she has control of along with the wolf, and scorpion and jackal.
davetb1956 over 6 years ago
For someone with his head stuck in a jar, Jerry looks well fed and watered.
I AM CARTOON LADY! over 6 years ago
Howard and Jerry…Jerry Howard…hmmm…Oh! I get it…Nyuck, nyuck nyuck!
ToonGuy300 over 6 years ago
Look who’s talking.
robert39503 over 6 years ago
So many Jerry’s here today. So sad.