Zen Pencils by Gavin Aung Than for October 01, 2018

  1. I yam who i yam
    Kind&Kinder  over 6 years ago

    Brilliant depiction of this venerable piece. It clearly applies to every one who is reluctant to take a chance, as the Eagles say in “Desperado”, “You better let somebody love you before it’s to late.” Ancient and modern, the score remains the same.

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  2. Mug1
    waycyber  over 6 years ago

    The reverse is true for me. I am asexual. I wasted time with relationships. My instincts were platonic, and I wondered why I never wanted to make my girlfriends my lovers. Once I did, and realised that I was only acting. I do not feel lust, or desire, or passion. That which expresses itself in these ways, in me, is expressed as dedicated friendship. I describe myself as panagapic. I relate to men as brothers, and women as sisters, and I am satisfied with this. I have been called selfish by some, not having a partner or children. Others believe that I am abnormal, because, to them, a person who does not procreate is not fulfilling their nature. I wish I had known about myself at a far younger age. I wish someone told me that it was OK. I wasted time persuing realtionships that would have been hollow and unsatisfying for my partner as much as myself. Had I known my true nature, I could have taken another course.

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  3. Image
    Vet Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Stay true to yourself.

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  4. V2
    Willywise52 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    I knew what this strip was about by the second panel.Well-done,Gavin.

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  5. Hobbes
    MDMom  over 6 years ago

    . . . WHOA! How timely is THIS? Only in Trump’s America! Sad. :’( https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/u-s-partners-u-n-lgbtq-staff-get-married-or-n915611

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