Where are the giant spiders? The Congo is known for big spiders the size of dogs or larger spiders that eat people. Or use to. Called Jba fofi:
In Congo folklore, the jba fofi or j’ba fofi, also known as the Congolese giant spider, is a creature said to exist in the Congo, possibly representing a new species of arachnid. Popular interest in the creature was sparked by the program Monsterquest in 2008. Wikipedia
Emptypockets51. about 6 years ago
What the hedoublehockeysticks. I think somebody ate the wrong kind of mushrooms.
BigDaveGlass about 6 years ago
Nope, Burroughs, did write about this from the very first book
Polsixe about 6 years ago
A plot twist, I guess Lubbers and Van Buren the comics team decided to throw all the Tarzan tropes into one story. Dum-dum.
Buck B about 6 years ago
Could Tarzan get a Botox treatment and have his own beetle brow??
scpandich about 6 years ago
Evolution deprived Tarzan of the opportunity to have a true beetle brow, but he could always get Beatle boots.
Old Comic Strip Lover about 6 years ago
Victory dance? Who did they have a victory over? Ben Linton? And what about the other guy Tarzan hasn’t rescued yet?
The Real Zarth Arn about 6 years ago
Panel 3 sounds like a MAGA rally.
ChessPirate about 6 years ago
Is Tarz gonna have to fight for the right to be the head Dum-Dum?
anomaly about 6 years ago
Tarzan could use some Ritalin.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 6 years ago
Where are the giant spiders? The Congo is known for big spiders the size of dogs or larger spiders that eat people. Or use to. Called Jba fofi:
In Congo folklore, the jba fofi or j’ba fofi, also known as the Congolese giant spider, is a creature said to exist in the Congo, possibly representing a new species of arachnid. Popular interest in the creature was sparked by the program Monsterquest in 2008. Wikipedia
oakie817 about 6 years ago
I went to school with them