Friend of mine had a particularly obnoxious kid who when he didn’t get his way threw a major snit fit. At one point he announced that he was gonna run away and join the Marines… so nobody could tell him what to do.
A*@ H☆☆@ still seems to be monosyllabic, Jane…
Paige Braddock and Jason McNamara
February 28, 2014
Willywise52 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Display over 5 years ago
Friend of mine had a particularly obnoxious kid who when he didn’t get his way threw a major snit fit. At one point he announced that he was gonna run away and join the Marines… so nobody could tell him what to do.
ChessPirate over 5 years ago
A*@ H☆☆@ still seems to be monosyllabic, Jane…