“Come out of our tanning bed a golden brown…”
Yummm … turkey sweat …!
Tasty turkey requires the right herbs, I don’t know if Herb qualifies.
Domestic turkeys aren’t known for their intelligence, but Herb probably tests on the low end of the scale.
what a bird brain
What about a headless day to go with it?
May 24, 2014
ChessPirate over 6 years ago
“Come out of our tanning bed a golden brown…”
Howard'sMyHero over 6 years ago
Yummm … turkey sweat …!
Gameguy49 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Tasty turkey requires the right herbs, I don’t know if Herb qualifies.
banjinshiju over 6 years ago
Domestic turkeys aren’t known for their intelligence, but Herb probably tests on the low end of the scale.
oakie817 over 6 years ago
what a bird brain
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
What about a headless day to go with it?