Dog Eat Doug by Brian Anderson for November 26, 2018

  1. Unnamed  1
    Doctor Toon  over 6 years ago

    Time for Doug to pull the old tablecloth trick

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    Vangoghdog01  over 6 years ago

    Dog Rules of Ownership

    • If I like it, it’s mine.• If it’s in my mouth, it’s mine.• If I can take it from you, it’s mine.• If I want it later, it’s mine.• If I want it now, it’s mine.• If I chew it up into pieces, they’re all mine.• If you want it, it’s mine.• If I saw it first, it’s mine.• If I ever had it, it’s mine.

    • If it’s broken, it’s yours!

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  3. Idano
    Ida No  over 6 years ago

    “Flip you for it.”

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    hamcg  over 6 years ago

    Here is a chance for Dougie to learn his first magic trick…How to pull the blanket out without disturbing Sophie…

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  5. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  over 6 years ago


    “That’s an old password.”


    “Password reset. Got it…”

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