So what? Would he prefer the cat blocking the view because she’s busy hunting the football (the ball used in the sports event you call soccer) on screen?
O crap – if the cat’s doing what I suspect it’s doing…
Hope we don’t hear about a large crash when kitty cat jumps on one of the dogs and scares that poor little thing and nobody gets to see any of the football games. Happy Thanksgiving.
Tigressy about 6 years ago
So what? Would he prefer the cat blocking the view because she’s busy hunting the football (the ball used in the sports event you call soccer) on screen?
O crap – if the cat’s doing what I suspect it’s doing…
Litter all. And being proud of it: Cat as trophy.
Happy Thanksgiving!
katina.cooper about 6 years ago
Hope we don’t hear about a large crash when kitty cat jumps on one of the dogs and scares that poor little thing and nobody gets to see any of the football games. Happy Thanksgiving.
Mr. Impatient about 6 years ago
saxie5 about 6 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving!
The Legend of Brandon Sawyer about 6 years ago
Who is Richard