Alexi, you are basically a cruel and evil person. To leave out the actual recipe for your Mom’s fruitcake is the true act of such a person! I’m gonna tell Santa to put you on the permanent naughty list!
Store bought fruitcake can be improved with a soak in good brandy or rum. But I don’t understand people’s almost atavistic reaction to fruitcake in general. I make “fruitcake” cookies during the Holidays, with candied fruit, cinnamon, and cloves. If I label them as fruitcake cookies, my husband’s coworkers avoid them like the plague. But if I label them “Holiday Lights” cookies, my husband says they’re almost gone by the first break at 10am. Same cookie, different name. Maybe if we just re-name fruitcakes, folks who claim to hate it (some of whom have never even had any in their lives) will find that it’s actually a delicious treat that can be toasted, or fried like french toast, or slathered with butter, or served warm with a dollop of ice cream, or just simply enjoyed as is.
GROG Premium Member about 6 years ago
I’m sure someone will regift you.
rekam Premium Member about 6 years ago
Took me a while to figure out what it was. Maybe because it had that hole in the center.
the lost wizard about 6 years ago
Long after the rest of you have disappeared, I’ll still be here.
Melki Premium Member about 6 years ago
Maybe if you were coated in fluffy, delicious frosting . . . or, maybe not.
iggyman about 6 years ago
Good one!
Nate England about 6 years ago
Well, you’re a little too nutty…
uniquename about 6 years ago
I wanted to like fruitcake when I was young, I really did. But candied fruit, bleah.
Under Dog Premium Member about 6 years ago
I love fruitcake! Notice I even used an exclamation point.
Amra Leo about 6 years ago
There’s a competition involving flinging fruitcakes with a catapult around here…
hogpop.padula about 6 years ago
Alexi, you are basically a cruel and evil person. To leave out the actual recipe for your Mom’s fruitcake is the true act of such a person! I’m gonna tell Santa to put you on the permanent naughty list!
myrendal about 6 years ago
Store bought fruitcake can be improved with a soak in good brandy or rum. But I don’t understand people’s almost atavistic reaction to fruitcake in general. I make “fruitcake” cookies during the Holidays, with candied fruit, cinnamon, and cloves. If I label them as fruitcake cookies, my husband’s coworkers avoid them like the plague. But if I label them “Holiday Lights” cookies, my husband says they’re almost gone by the first break at 10am. Same cookie, different name. Maybe if we just re-name fruitcakes, folks who claim to hate it (some of whom have never even had any in their lives) will find that it’s actually a delicious treat that can be toasted, or fried like french toast, or slathered with butter, or served warm with a dollop of ice cream, or just simply enjoyed as is.
RonnieAThompson Premium Member about 6 years ago
Mom used to make fruit cake every year at Christmas. She went home to be with the Lord this past May.
Duke of Omnium about 6 years ago
Little known fact: Fruitcakes are not actually baked; they’re mined.
Packratjohn Premium Member about 6 years ago
Darn dangerous thing to leave lying around on a playground.
dwagner200 about 6 years ago
Try the deer with the red nose.
Lablubber about 6 years ago
I have a theory that black holes can be absorbed into fruitcakes.
Daeder about 6 years ago
And that’s when the fruitcake decided to go eat worms.