Thatababy by Paul Trap for December 31, 2010

  1. Croparcs070707
    rayannina  about 14 years ago


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  2. Phonepic3altered4
    yyyguy  about 14 years ago

    which is why children need to learn to read as soon as possible!

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  3. Missing large
    scrabblefiend  about 14 years ago

    Just think when you go into the pet food aisle, and they have pictures of cats on the cat food, and dogs on the bags of dog food.

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  4. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Creamed Bear?

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  5. Gedc0161
    gofinsc  about 14 years ago

    One myth says that some primitive peoples feared modern whites because they had jars of food with pictures of babies on them, and thought it was creamed baby.

    The cat and dog foods have pictures of the animals instead of just the food now so that illiterate people don’t buy them because of the pictures.

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  6. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 14 years ago

    I remember the Russian episode of Travel Channel’s BIzarre Food with Andrew Zimmern in which Andrew ate a patty of bear. I think he said it’s very lean and hearty.

    @rgcviper: As for the italics, put *’s before and the after words you want to italicize.

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  7. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  about 14 years ago

    How’d you get your user name to be in reverse text like that, [MORMON] (comixavier)?

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  8. Missing large
    Prof_Bleen  about 14 years ago

    rgcviper: Rs and Ns are easy, since the backwards versions are in the Cyrillic alphabet. Isn’t modern technology great? It allows us to spell “Toys ‘Я’ Us” correctly on the computer.

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