… and then, Raquel whispered in my ear, “You’ve been a very naughty doggy. You know you’re not allowed on the furniture. Now, I’m going to have to spank you.” So, then I jumped down off the sofa and started to bark. And she went into the kitchen and grabbed a spatula. And then …
My dreams can be very funny. Last week I dreamed I went to a restaurant with my family and the bill was $2,045. I asked why it was so much and they told me their expenses were high, like their trash collection bill. Seriously.
Templo S.U.D. almost 5 years ago
imagine Charlie Brown in the presence of Nebuchadnezzar
wjones almost 5 years ago
Sometimes good things come from dreams. Just sometimes.
socalvillaguy Premium Member almost 5 years ago
That should be a general rule that most of us are guilty of…don’t waste each other’s time telling our dreams.
therese_callahan2002 almost 5 years ago
It also means Violet was sure all that glitters was gold, and she was buying a stairway to heaven.
iggyman almost 5 years ago
A little crabby today Charlie Brown?
Major Matt Mason Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Yanno…that’s the best take on dream interpretation I’ve seen in a long time! :D
Pentagen almost 5 years ago
This is why Lucy was the one who became the therapist and not Charlie Brown.
Auntie Socialist almost 5 years ago
Wow. No wonder he turned into such an unpopular kid
The Joke Explainer Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Totally agree with Chuck on this.
gantech almost 5 years ago
Wow…a zinger from Charlie Brown…
I❤️Peanuts almost 5 years ago
It could have been worse—Lucy would have told Violet that her dream meant hold on to the banister and charged her 5 cents.
IshkaBibel1 almost 5 years ago
Steven Wright would steal this joke 40 years later
DCBakerEsq almost 5 years ago
… and then, Raquel whispered in my ear, “You’ve been a very naughty doggy. You know you’re not allowed on the furniture. Now, I’m going to have to spank you.” So, then I jumped down off the sofa and started to bark. And she went into the kitchen and grabbed a spatula. And then …
rs almost 5 years ago
My dreams can be very funny. Last week I dreamed I went to a restaurant with my family and the bill was $2,045. I asked why it was so much and they told me their expenses were high, like their trash collection bill. Seriously.
Petemejia77 almost 5 years ago
I want to put the image of C.B. in 2nd panel on a shirt/poster/mug!
cubswin2016 almost 5 years ago
Does Charlie Brown look like a therapist?