Some years down the road, she can take lessons from Sally, who retrieved a beach ball as it attempted to float away across a lake, using nothing more than a few well-chosen (and well-shouted) words. As she put it, with considerable aplomb, “Sometimes you just have to know how to talk to a beach ball.”
Templo S.U.D. almost 4 years ago
’twas worth a try
eromlig almost 4 years ago
“And all thy piety and wit…”
JonesBill-Sylvia almost 4 years ago
Follow the balloon. It will land somewhere, someday.
therese_callahan2002 almost 4 years ago
“Up, up and away! My beautiful, my beautiful balloon.”
e.groves almost 4 years ago
How sad.
uniquename almost 4 years ago
Learned about the stages of grief early Lucy. Perhaps this presaged her psychiatry career.
cubswin2016 almost 4 years ago
I bet this is the same way that Charlie talks to his kites.
Mother Superior almost 4 years ago
If you really love something set it free. If it doesn’t come back to you hunt it down and kill it.
jrankin1959 almost 4 years ago
Let it go, kid – it would have ended up deflated anyway.
Auntie Socialist almost 4 years ago
Tentoes almost 4 years ago
Oh! I remember seeing this in the paper!
TSRaman almost 4 years ago
There are thirteen other balloons with text in them.
Nyckname almost 4 years ago
The Fly Hunter almost 4 years ago
I’ve been in relationships like that way back in my distant past!
txmystic almost 4 years ago
Lost balloons…one of the tragedies of youth…
paullp Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Some years down the road, she can take lessons from Sally, who retrieved a beach ball as it attempted to float away across a lake, using nothing more than a few well-chosen (and well-shouted) words. As she put it, with considerable aplomb, “Sometimes you just have to know how to talk to a beach ball.”
Billavi Premium Member almost 4 years ago
This could explain Lucy. She’s bipolar
Major Matt Mason Premium Member almost 4 years ago
It was never hers to begin with.
Lightpainter almost 4 years ago
I remember doing this as a kid. But unlike Lucy, it fascinated me. I still will always watch balloons flying away if I see them.
tinstar almost 4 years ago
That’s why there’s only “99 luftballons”
oakie817 almost 4 years ago
i really like how those in charge have arranged that the old series’ Sunday strip falls on a Saturday and then tomorrow, we’ll have another
Lucy Rocks over 1 year ago
Well, that was depressing