In the distant future, what’re the odds of these two’s young siblings (Charlie Brown’s sister Sally and Lucy van Pelt’s brother Linus) getting married?
Naturally, Lucy went with the better odds and focused her efforts on Schroeder from now on. Who knows what would have happened if CB’s reply was “a million to one”
Templo S.U.D. about 2 years ago
In the distant future, what’re the odds of these two’s young siblings (Charlie Brown’s sister Sally and Lucy van Pelt’s brother Linus) getting married?
mccollunsky about 2 years ago
Higher chance of winning the lottery than those two getting married.
californiamonty about 2 years ago
I seem to remember Mad magazine did a parody strip of the Peanuts Gang after they grew up. Lucy and Charlie Brown were married in that one.
Display_Name_Is_Taken about 2 years ago
It’s actually infinity to one because they don’t grow up
iggyman about 2 years ago
Lucy Brown, wasn’t she mentioned in a song? (Mac the Knife, Bobby Darin)!
kcj about 2 years ago
Naturally, Lucy went with the better odds and focused her efforts on Schroeder from now on. Who knows what would have happened if CB’s reply was “a million to one”
Gameguy49 Premium Member about 2 years ago
More than 70 years later and it still hasn’t happened. Hang in there, maybe Charlie Brown will be yours yet, don’t give up hope!
gantech about 2 years ago
One time, Schroeder put the odds at “google to one”. And then proceeded to tell her how much that was.
EnlilEnkiEa about 2 years ago
Always trust the musician. He’s good at math.
WCraft Premium Member about 2 years ago
And he’s never even thrown a snowball at her to show true love?