Li'l Abner by Al Capp for February 07, 2020

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    clarke3060 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Great comic strip. Unfortunately I have to read it with a magnifying glass. ’ Must be my eyes or my computer.

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    tuslog64  about 5 years ago

    ATTENTION FEARLESS FOSDICK FANS! The “Atom Bum” story (Where FF has to protect a criminal) is now available: Do web search for atom bum al cappand several sites come up, such as hairy green eyeballs 3 which has the complete story which originally spanned 2 years (1947, 1948). Years ago, the 1947 segment was on go comics, but the 2 weeks of 1948 were skipped. (Friend mentioned the 2 weeks were also skipped in the Kitchen Sink series) Hurry – FF Fans – view this irreplaceable example of English Literature before it is taken down and lost forever!

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