Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for January 08, 2011
Laura; Did you ever finish you resolutions list? Adam; No, which is funny considering that "stop procrastinating" was at the top. Laura; That's okay. They're just guidelines anyways. Adam; Yeah, but crossing things off is my favorite part! Laura; Do you ever actually do that? Adam; What are you implying? Laura; Just that resolutions get lost faster than I lose coffee punch cards in my purse. Adam; Where is your purse?
NE1956 about 14 years ago
Doc, do you honor coffee punch cards? I joined the Dunkin Donuts Card club recently but haven’t used it yet. Not today either–I woke up to a snowstorm this a.m. (Mid-Atlantic USA) Better yet, does Nuclear Coffee fit in the k-cups? Love my k-cups! :-D
twj0729 about 14 years ago
Hey, me too! I don’t seem to lose punch cards, I collect them and never achieve “filled-out” status. I must have seven or eight punch cards in my wallet. I am destined to never reach the nirvana of the free cup of latte. If I totaled the punches on all the cards I would qualify for two lattes! Wow, maybe that’ll work.
RugerJac about 14 years ago
I believe that in the second panel, the words should be “They’re more like guidelines, anyway” (Pirates of the Caribbean reference)
dante.deangelo about 14 years ago
it it means free coffee Adam will find it.
edrush about 14 years ago
I feel like a real outsider here. The very reek of coffee offends my nose. To those who like it (like my late father): enjoy. I’m sure I like things that offend you, too.