If you need finances in life, then you need algebra. You would need it to figure out how to pay off loans/mortgages and how to save/invest. Not sure why we keep telling our kids that math is hard and unnecessary. Being ignorant is harder and more expensive.
I certainly needed math in my career. However, even if you don’t, learning it helps train your brain for logic. Mental exercise improves your thinking skills just as physical exercise improves your body.
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Yeah. You DON’T need to know that, Lu. It’s enough that Gunther Knows that.
Lucy Rudy almost 6 years ago
I always knew someone else would figure it out if I ever needed Algebra. Which I never did.
Joe1962 almost 6 years ago
Luann you don’t need to really know it. Unless you go into business and say work for H&R Block.
GROG Premium Member almost 6 years ago
It should be sufficient that it’s required to pass.
asrialfeeple almost 6 years ago
Luann is suffering mental abuse to humans.
DadToFivePlus almost 6 years ago
Luann’s problem isn’t the math; her problem is the attitude.
NobodyAwesome Premium Member almost 6 years ago
If you need finances in life, then you need algebra. You would need it to figure out how to pay off loans/mortgages and how to save/invest. Not sure why we keep telling our kids that math is hard and unnecessary. Being ignorant is harder and more expensive.
Retired engineer almost 6 years ago
I certainly needed math in my career. However, even if you don’t, learning it helps train your brain for logic. Mental exercise improves your thinking skills just as physical exercise improves your body.
Troglodyte almost 6 years ago
Figure it out, Lu.