FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for January 25, 2011

  1. Croparcs070707
    rayannina  about 14 years ago

    Roger Fox has been raiding my wardrobe!

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    BigChiefDesoto  about 14 years ago

    The competent wife should be able to sew buttons on his shirt, not just grumble about his wearing it!

    The REALLY competent wife should be able to MAKE his shirt, and also the business suit that he wears to work! ( My Mom could and did! – and also made all of her own clothes, and upholstered the furniture and the car seats - and made the canvas tent walls for the camping trailer that my Dad built. )

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  3. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  about 14 years ago

    CHIEF My wife would have me sleeping on the couch if I ever mentioned what my mother (with one arm) could do with a singer sewing machine. She is a modern woman with plastic (I’m reminded every month). Needles are things they used to have on phonographs, and threads are storylines on daytime TV she needs to tell you about. A thimble is for measuring Vermouth.

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  4. Desert landscape
    boy123  about 14 years ago

    A thimble : no it isnt its for protection of the finger when sewing

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  5. Cat29
    x_Tech  about 14 years ago

    Lew, WHAT, do you mix your Martinis in 50 gal drum or maybe a cement mixer?

    Loose/missing buttons? There’s GADGET for that or at least the office stapler.

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    davislilacs58  about 14 years ago

    The competent husband would know how to sew on a button all by himself

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    DjGuardian  about 14 years ago

    Never go without some kind of undershirt… especially if your shirts are starched at all.

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  8. Cat asks you to sign a contract
    notinksanymore  about 14 years ago

    If the Foxes are anything like me, the problem isn’t inability to sew the button back on, it is the inability to find the button at all! Forget about the spare buttons that come with the shirt, those disappear as soon as the tags come off.

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    HOLLYFLEWIN  about 14 years ago

    duct tape

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    DerkinsVanPelt218  about 14 years ago

    In most offices, “casual” is defined as a golf shirt, khakis, and possibly some conservative sneakers depending on the employer. I could get by with that.

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    josh_bisbee  about 14 years ago

    You’re all wrong about the thimble. It’s for telling you what real estate you can buy in Monopoly.

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    doctorwho29  over 4 years ago

    He could just buy shirts that fit or sew the buttons back on

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