FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for January 27, 2011

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    garfield246  about 14 years ago

    Wow, I never realized Jason was so devious!

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  2. Helix.arf
    ARF2  about 14 years ago

    Paige was actually grounded for being dumb enough to fall for that one. As for Jason, at least he was willing “to take one for the cause.”

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    Dkram  about 14 years ago



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    lewisbower  about 14 years ago

    My sister was mean Why couldn’t have she been dumb as Paige?

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    twj0729  about 14 years ago

    I would liked to have had a sister like Paige. I would have been just like Jason and done all sorts of things to her!

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    as363  about 14 years ago


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    JudyCuddy  about 14 years ago

    My sister was mean too. Now she’s an attorney, go figure……………………..

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    syke34  about 14 years ago

    A real Bimbo.

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    legaleagle48  about 14 years ago

    Actually, if I were Paige, my response would be, “Well, in that case, I’ve got nothing to lose, so I might as well go for broke!” and go beat the living daylights out of the little twerp right in front of Andy!

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