Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for January 18, 2019

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    Polsixe  about 6 years ago

    Bell gets my vote.

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    MichaelHelwig  about 6 years ago

    Does Hinds explain how to vote?

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    Nighthawks Premium Member about 6 years ago

    so, Ben turns around to hand off the ball…….and Bell isn’t there

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    dadlivonia  about 6 years ago

    Well, since he is a probable nominee, he may wish to not participate

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    Warhaft  about 6 years ago

    Now that’s just funny.

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    Sailor46 USN 65-95  about 6 years ago

    It takes one to know one, or at least to know the rules.

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    ToonaD68 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Sure, Bell gave up a ton of contract money, but they were running him ragged- the most touches of any other RB, and the money wasn’t guaranteed if he got injured. So they promise big money, but work him so hard he might not be able to earn it.

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    SC0304  about 6 years ago

    Surely your kidding…..Over the past five years he has averaged between 19 to 22 carries a game. Somewhere Jim Brown, Jim Taylor, Gale Sayers, etc., must be laughing…….

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    smartman  about 6 years ago

    Interesting that most everyone thinks that someone who got ordered to play for a team under a contract he couldn’t negotiate (Franchise Tag) with no guarantee that he’d be a free agent next season is the bad guy in this scenario. So, you’re perfectly okay with your boss saying your salary is X for the next 12 months, and if you’re not happy with that, too bad because you can’t get hired by anyone else for that year. Some of you might need to remove your names from here in case your bosses figure that out.

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