should have given him a jacket or something to cover himself, Lio!
A St. Bernard with a little nippy keg ’round his neck would be just the thing. Picturesque, too.
Is this the first time that Mark has drawn suckers on Ishy?
Oh the Ishymanity!!!
Not so much a sales promotion as a cry for help!
Wow! That is fresh!
The adverb form of “fresh”? I thought all sign makers had to purge adverbs from their vocabulary. And hyphens.
Ishy needs a BIG hug!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Oh, no!
Rescue poor Ishmael, Lio! Bring blankets, mittens (numerous mittens), heating lamps, and hot toddies!
If all else fails, bring breading, lemon juice, a cleaver, and an outdoor grill, so we can have kalamarakia tiganita….
May 14, 2021
April 14, 2020
jagedlo about 6 years ago
should have given him a jacket or something to cover himself, Lio!
hangedman about 6 years ago
A St. Bernard with a little nippy keg ’round his neck would be just the thing. Picturesque, too.
Bilan about 6 years ago
Is this the first time that Mark has drawn suckers on Ishy?
Fido (aka Felix Rex) about 6 years ago
Oh the Ishymanity!!!
chris_weaver about 6 years ago
Not so much a sales promotion as a cry for help!
Joliet Jake about 6 years ago
Wow! That is fresh!
cooganm Premium Member about 6 years ago
The adverb form of “fresh”? I thought all sign makers had to purge adverbs from their vocabulary. And hyphens.
Impkins Premium Member about 6 years ago
Ishy needs a BIG hug!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Sisyphos about 6 years ago
Oh, no!
Rescue poor Ishmael, Lio! Bring blankets, mittens (numerous mittens), heating lamps, and hot toddies!
If all else fails, bring breading, lemon juice, a cleaver, and an outdoor grill, so we can have kalamarakia tiganita….