Wrong Hands by John Atkinson for January 15, 2019

  1. W12
    chris_weaver  about 6 years ago

    So far, two out of three.

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  2. Bicycle
    Ian Treloar  about 6 years ago

    I don’t know if this has anything to do with Trump’s Wall or not. But if it is, one could just as easily say, "1. Have no wall. 2. Invite people to freeload off your hard work. 3. Have a war.

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  3. 4096749862 867f82c19d
    PO' DAWG  about 6 years ago

    War of words, trade war,war party,war paint,wor-ship, Warsaw,and I’m done

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  4. Img 1610
    WCraft Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Or try to solve someone else’s civil, class, or religious problems….Like Afghanistan

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  5. Missing large
    Cary Rodda Premium Member about 6 years ago

    You forgot those stylish red hats.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 6 years ago

    You are all things good, they are all things bad. What do you do to the BAD?

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  7. Waldo
    Indianapolis Smith  about 6 years ago

    Or you could launch a sneak attack on one of their naval bases early one morning.

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