I apologize for the plug but thought that someone reading this comic might appreciate the following information. I am selling my collection of Liberty Meadows books (a complete set, including the final separate issue #37). If anyone here is interested, you can find it on eBay under ripig111.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 6 years ago
“Why?” Because the Copyright Lawyers aren’t around, maybe?
BigDaveGlass about 6 years ago
Sexier than the average bear…
Display about 6 years ago
“Oh the girls all look prettier at closin’ time…”
rpG Premium Member about 6 years ago
I apologize for the plug but thought that someone reading this comic might appreciate the following information. I am selling my collection of Liberty Meadows books (a complete set, including the final separate issue #37). If anyone here is interested, you can find it on eBay under ripig111.
Under Dog Premium Member about 6 years ago
Oh Cindy Bear you sexy thang!
jerry s about 6 years ago
And how many readers know who that is!
gantech about 6 years ago
Is Ralph “smarrrrrrter than the average bear…”?