I thank those people every day for making it possible for me to get through every day. Composers & songwriters alike are the single most powerful minds in the galaxy! And I mean galaxy…we have no idea what other worlds, that probably exist, create musically so we, in my opinion, are all I can put my faith in. Viva music…play on you wonderful people who create the sounds of the universe! You make us happy & fulfilled all our lives!
That is how I write every single day. So close it is eerie to me the similarity. The difference is I am not Pyotr Ilich Tchaikovsky. Though that is what I read an remember from what other successful writers had done to write or draw or compose….
Yakety Sax over 5 years ago
Tchaikovsky – Waltz of the Flowers (full screen is great)
poopsypoo Premium Member over 5 years ago
I thank those people every day for making it possible for me to get through every day. Composers & songwriters alike are the single most powerful minds in the galaxy! And I mean galaxy…we have no idea what other worlds, that probably exist, create musically so we, in my opinion, are all I can put my faith in. Viva music…play on you wonderful people who create the sounds of the universe! You make us happy & fulfilled all our lives!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
That is how I write every single day. So close it is eerie to me the similarity. The difference is I am not Pyotr Ilich Tchaikovsky. Though that is what I read an remember from what other successful writers had done to write or draw or compose….
Petemejia77 over 5 years ago
Thought Pyotr was gonna enter 11th panel with bottle of Vodka!
DavidLeeHowells over 4 years ago
Great sequential art and facial expression renderings.