Chicken: Hello! I'm Mr. Chicken! Would you like to sing a song? Chicken Lawyer: No. And I suggest you take these divorce proceedings seriously.
Husband: “I’ve never been more serious in my life. Song!”
“Okay. Sorry. Nice tie. lmao”
“I Love You! You Love Me!”
“SEE! SEE! He thinks ‘loving’ other hens is perfectly acceptable!”
Ooooooh! I want a chicken puppet. I’ll introduce it to my rubber chicken! :)
Ida No almost 6 years ago
Husband: “I’ve never been more serious in my life. Song!”
Huckleberry Hiroshima Premium Member almost 6 years ago
“Okay. Sorry. Nice tie. lmao”
Indianapolis Smith almost 6 years ago
“I Love You! You Love Me!”
“SEE! SEE! He thinks ‘loving’ other hens is perfectly acceptable!”
Impkins Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Ooooooh! I want a chicken puppet. I’ll introduce it to my rubber chicken! :)